Busy Bees Child Development Centers follows the Creative Curriculum model of instruction, as it is a well-researched and proven curriculum. In addition, this curriculum is in line with the Illinois Learning Standards and our own curriculum which provides accelerated learning according to age and developmental level.
BBCDC believes in the power of experience and play. Children get to spend much free play time throughout the day to explore possibilities or test their ideas. Although this is play, teachers are busy guiding, helping, observing and making plans based on the observations to further your child’s learning.
Each week, each classroom has a different theme/study and teachers create plans to connect the themes/studies with the children’s interests. One would find that in every classroom, there are well-defined interest areas for children to explore.
As a part of enriching their experiences, children get to go to a field trip every quarter and at least once a month during the summer months. In addition, we have several "in-school field trips" where the field trip comes directly to the center.